Page Segments: page-3
ACTIVITY 9: My Perception!
ACTIVITY 9: My Perception!

Now, take a look at this picture. Click to enlarge it. Select adjectives to describe the characters in the picture. Drag the adjectives into “The Characters” category. If you can’t find the right words, type your own in the box below the category.
- faithful
- lonely
- lonely
- outgoing
- sneaky
- well-liked
- courteous
- healthy
- happy
- athletic
- foolish
- responsible
- independent
- unpopular
- tobacco user
- loner
- tobacco and nicotine free
- responsible
- smelly
- neat
- respectful
- unhealthy
- funy
- attractive
- talkative
- outgoing
- kind
- dependable
- smart
- addicted
- friendly
ACTIVITY 5: When Saying “No” Is the Way to Go
ACTIVITY 5: When Saying “No” Is the Way to Go
Your best friend has called you in a panic. He needs your help studying for tomorrow's biology test. You've had a rough few days and really want to be home alone and chill out for the night.
ACTIVITY 7: Facing Tough Situations
ACTIVITY 7: Facing Tough Situations
ACTIVITY 8: Decisions, Decisions!
ACTIVITY 8: Decisions, Decisions!
You’re hanging out at a friend’s house one evening, and no parents are around. There are about six or seven of you there. The friend’s older sister offers to buy beer for you, but only if everyone wants to do it. One by one your friends say "yes," but you don’t want to. What do you do?
ACTIVITY 10: It’s Decision Time!
ACTIVITY 10: It’s Decision Time!
ACTIVITY 10: It’s Decision Time!
ACTIVITY 10: It’s Decision Time!
For the rest of the afternoon, you feel uncomfortable and worried about whether that was the right choice to make.
Not happy with the consequences? Think through the decision-making steps to figure out if you made the right decision.
- Situations: Why do you need to make a decision?
- Goals: What do you need to happen?
- Choices: What are your options or the alternatives?
- Consequences: What could happen?
- Decision: What will you do?
- Think About It: Did you make the right decision?
Now, go back to the beginning of the "Choices and Consequences" exercise and try again. But remember, you can't always do that in real life!
ACTIVITY 3: Tobacco & Nicotine Addiction
ACTIVITY 3: Tobacco & Nicotine Addiction
Immediately after exposure to nicotine, there is a "kick" caused in part by the drug's stimulation of the adrenal glands and resulting discharge of epinephrine (adrenaline). The rush of adrenaline stimulates the body and causes an increase in blood pressure, respiration, and heart rate.27
ACTIVITY 10: It’s Decision Time!
ACTIVITY 10: It’s Decision Time!
ACTIVITY 10: It’s Decision Time!
ACTIVITY 10: It’s Decision Time!
ACTIVITY 9: Conflict – Learning to Deal with It
ACTIVITY 9: Conflict – Learning to Deal with It
4) Be willing to cut a deal
Don’t try to “win.” Show a willingness to find a compromise you both can live with.
5) Know when to walk away.
Sometimes the atmosphere is not right for a settlement. Feelings may be too charged. Anger may outweigh reason. If need be, tell the other person you are not yet ready to work things out, but you are willing to try later.
6) Don't resort to violence or insults
Don’t let things escalate—it will only cause more issues.