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ACTIVITY 4: Thinking About Your friends

ACTIVITY 4: Thinking About Your friends

You may have friends (or people you want to be your friends) who want to do something you don't want to do, but you think they might like you better if you go along with it. What sort of things might you do just because your friends want to? Decide if you agree or disagree with each statement, and then check "yes" or "no."

1 I would go to a movie I don't particularly want to see.
2 I would go over to another student's house for the afternoon.
3 I would try smoking just one or two puffs of a cigarette or vape.
4 I would take a sip of beer.
5 I would refuse to go to a friend's party if my other friends didn't want to go.
6 I would cut my hair in a certain style if my friends did the same.
7 I would join in making fun of a shy student.

Think about your selections and what they tell you about how your friends influence your decisions. Then, wait to move onto the next screen until your teacher says it's okay.