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ACTIVITY 4: Thinking About Your friends

ACTIVITY 4: Thinking About Your friends

Choose or type in answers to describe how you think or feel.

1 When I have free time, I like to spend it:
2 When you go on a family outing (picnic, ball game, movie, etc.) would you prefer to:
3a Do you have (or would you like to have) a friend to whom you could confide secrets?
3b If you answered "yes," what kinds of secrets would you confide to your friend and what kind would you keep to yourself?
4 Would you ever lie to protect a friend?
5 Would you ever tell someone else a secret that a friend has confided in you?
6 Would you ever break a promise you made to a friend?

Think about your responses and what they tell you about the role of friends in your life. Then, wait to move on to Part 3 until your teacher says it's okay.