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ACTIVITY 2: It’s Your Health

ACTIVITY 2: It’s Your Health

7) Throughout the world, tobacco use results in approximately _____deaths per year.

ACTIVITY 2: It’s Your Health

ACTIVITY 2: It’s Your Health

6) Secondhand smoke exposure kills people in the U.S.

ACTIVITY 2: It’s Your Health

ACTIVITY 2: It’s Your Health

5) In the U.S., ____________is the leading preventable cause of death.

ACTIVITY 2: It’s Your Health

ACTIVITY 2: It’s Your Health

4) If I use a smokeless tobacco, I am at risk for the following disease(s):

ACTIVITY 2: It’s Your Health

ACTIVITY 2: It’s Your Health

3) If I smoke, the toxins released from cigarette smoke travel _________.

ACTIVITY 2: It’s Your Health

ACTIVITY 2: It’s Your Health

2) If I smoke, I am at risk for the following disease(s):

ACTIVITY 2: It’s Your Health

ACTIVITY 2: It’s Your Health

1) Using tobacco can cause me to have bad breath (halitosis), stained teeth, and_________.

ACTIVITY 2: It’s Your Health

ACTIVITY 2: It’s Your Health

Answer the question in the health test on the next several screens. Talk with your teacher about your responses. Then, read the follow-up information to learn more about the consequences of using tobacco and nicotine products.

ACTIVITY 2: It’s Your Health

ACTIVITY 2: It’s Your Health

ACTIVITY 2: Tobacco & Nicotine Use–The Health Consequences

ACTIVITY 2: Tobacco & Nicotine Use–The Health Consequences