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    • RDRN Human Silhouette
      • Be tobacco free
      • Why? Don’t smoke!
      • hardening of the arteries
      • See what smoking can do?!
      • See what smoking can do?!
      • stained teeth
      • pneumonia
      • bronchitis
      • cancer of the pharynx (mouth and throat)
      • heart disease
      • gum disease
      • phlegm production
      • nicotine addiction
      • emphysema
      • bad breath
      • stroke
      • wheezing
      • less physical fitness than people their age who don’t smoke
      • cancer of the esophagus
      • shortness of breath
      • kidney cancer
      • coughing
      • respiratory (breathing) problems
      • cancer of the larynx (voice box)
      • stinky clothes
      • cataracts (which cause blindness)
      • stomach cancer
      • cancer of the pancreas
      • bladder cancer
      • stinky hair